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Carried out on four continents, the work of the Congregation is multi-faceted: social justice and human dignity, protecting creation, teaching, solidarity with women, pastoral ministries, serving the Congregation, preserving memory and promoting vocation.
The sisters of the Congregation de Notre-Dame share in the spirituality of Marguerite Bourgeoys and express solidarity by freely going to the peripheries to serve people and the Church. In the name of liberating education, each sister offers her particular gifts in order to fulfill whatever needs she perceives around her. By joining their talents, the sisters contribute to the mission together. No matter their age or health condition, they continue their mission through action or prayer and remain ready for service.
The Congregation of Notre-Dame holds a very special place in our Holy Cross High School family. The sisters assisted in the school's operations starting in 1975. Subsequently, they established a convent here.
Founded during the 17th century in Montreal by Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys, the Congrégation de Notre-Dame is a Catholic women’s congregation that has long worked to educate girls and boys at all school levels. Education also takes place outside the school walls, and the sisters devote themselves to works that support individuals in their quest for dignity and respect for life.
The spirituality of Marguerite, anchored in the mysteries of Visitation and of Pentecost, continues to inspire the action of the sisters in a spirit of hospitality, outreach and service.
Video Testimonials
Sister Pat Jamele, C.N.D.
On the origins of the Congregation of Notre Dame
On the Holy Cross High School community
Sister Pat's message to her former students
Sister Ellen Gorman, C.N.D.
On her career in social work
On joining the Congregation of Notre Dame
On the Holy Cross High School students
Sister Patricia McCarthy, C.N.D.
On her early days as a teacher
On her students at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School
Sister Pat's Message to her Students
Sister Nancy Roach, C.N.D.
On her time in Central America
On the Mission of the Congregation of Notre Dame
On the number 5910