The Holy Cross Fathers’ Club and the Holy Cross Mothers’ Club are volunteer organizations of parents, guardians, and alumni parents of Holy Cross students.

Volunteers are the key reason for our successful school programs and the development of our resources. They are committed to serving the mission of the school through service to the Holy Cross community.

By virtue of the fact that your child attends Holy Cross, you are all members of the Fathers’ or Mothers’ Club and can participate in a variety of activities depending on your availability and interests. There are countless ways to share your talents while getting to know other parents. You can also join any planning committee. We utilize the Sign Up Genius App to streamline donations.

We strongly encourage you to attend club meetings to find out what is happening at Holy Cross. Meetings are held monthly and are noted on the school calendar, the school website and in periodic e-communications. 

Mothers' Club Meeting Dates 

September 9, 2024
December 9, 2024
February 3, 2025
April 7, 2025
June 2, 2025

Fathers' Club Meeting Dates 

September 4, 2024
October 2, 2024
November 6, 2024
December 4, 2024
February 5, 2025
March 5, 2025
April 2, 2025
May 7, 2025
June 4, 2025

Annual Activities Where You can Volunteer 

Athletic Events
The Fathers’ Club manages the concessions and run the 50/50 raffle at all home football and basketball games. They also cater the annual sports picnic at the end of the year.

Halloween Happening
October 27, 2024

The Student Government and Holy Cross students representing various clubs and athletic teams work together to host this event for more than three hundred children from area elementary schools.  The Mothers’ Club provides refreshments. The Fathers' Club offers lunch to all the volunteers. 

Meet Holy Cross
September 23, October 21,  November 18 & December 9, 2024 • 6:30pm

All prospective students and families are invited to Holy Cross to learn about all we have to offer. Tours are given, refreshments are served by the Mothers’ Club and our academic, athletic and student programs are showcased.

Entrance Exam
August 15, October 19 & November 23, 2024 • 8:30am

Volunteers are needed to assist at the exam day. Refreshments such as cookies and water are also needed for the event.

Junior Class Night

Juniors are presented with their class rings or another piece of jewelry to be blessed at this ceremony followed by a  reception hosted by the Mothers’ Club.

Accepted Students Night
January 23, 2025 • 6:30pm

Accepted students and their families are invited back to learn more about the school.  The program includes an ice cream sundae reception hosted by the Fathers’ Club.

Meet the Class of 2029

During this Admissions event, the school community welcomes incoming students and families to campus to learn more about our school programs, policies and procedures. Volunteers are needed to provide and hand out refreshments.

Senior Lock-In
This end-of-year tradition is an  opportunity for seniors to spend an  overnight at Holy Cross. Some of the highlights include receiving their  yearbooks, games, movies, contests, raffles, music, food, a hypnotist, and more.  In the past, the Fathers’ Club provides breakfast and the Mothers’ Club serves pizza and ice cream.

Baccalaureate Mass 
May 31, 2025

Graduating seniors and their families gather in the auditorium to celebrate the Eucharist. A senior offers his/her reflections on their experience at Holy Cross.  A reception is hosted by the Mothers’ Club following the Liturgy.

June 1, 2025

Commencement is held in the gymnasium and a reception, hosted by the Mothers’ Club,  follows in the cafe for graduates and their families. The Fathers' Club provides parking assistance and directs the students' families where to sign-in. Please note that dates and times are subject to change. Holy Cross High School will also take precautions and make amendments to events when necessary.

Mothers' Club 

Georgiana Tata & Carolyn Byrnes

Kristin Mitnick

Recording Secretary 
Margaret Murphy 

[email protected] 


Bob Ferri

Vice President
Jay Hine

Bill Mancini 

Tom DiPietro

[email protected]