“How we educate the mind will change with the times; how we cultivate the heart is and will remain timeless.” 

Mission Statement

Holy Cross High School, a Catholic, college preparatory school rooted in the educational philosophy of Blessed Basil Moreau, founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, is committed to the transformation of students in both heart and mind.  Guided by Jesus’ love for all, Holy Cross nurtures within its students a value system characterized by faith, kindness, courage, compassion and hope. 

Vision Statement

Rooted in faith, Holy Cross High School graduates will be lifelong learners, critical thinkers, selfless advocates for those in need, and zealous stewards of the global community.  Our Holy Cross family is committed to helping young people to completeness.  Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we are renewed each year by the talent, experience, and passion of our teachers and staff.  


Four Pillars

Our teachers inspire and encourage students to act with their mind, think with their heart and ultimately, leave their unique mark on the world. 
For the individual, hope gives students the tools to face challenges, transitions and changes which lead to a better version of self. It is the individual’s responsibility to manifest hope in people, organizations and communities in need of help.
Diversity is a fact. We nurture and respect diversity in all of its forms. That respect of differences opens the door to seeing Christ in each other. 
Family is community. The ethos of family that the students cultivate here is brought to their workplaces, communities, neighborhoods, businesses and boards, service organizations, youth groups and churches.

The Cross & Anchors

The anchors represent hope. In connection with the cross, they represent transformation through intellect, character and values.