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"We bring hope by changing the world through Christ's love. We build respect seeing the face of Christ within each other. We inspire integrity of heart and mind by staying true to the Gospel in mind and action. And we celebrate family by building a loving Holy Cross community."
- Brother Thomas Dziekan, C.S.C., Provincial Superior, Congregation of Holy Cross, Moreau Province
Bringing Hope to Others
Holy Cross High School owes its existence to the innovation vision of its founder, Blessed Father Basil Moreau and the leadership of the Brothers of Holy Cross. They are members of an international congregation of Catholic religious brothers and priests who lead extraordinary lives by bringing hope to others. Devoted to God through their ministry and prayer, they strive to make a difference in the world by being present and available to the people and communities they serve.
The Congregation of Holy Cross was founded in response to the need for education and evangelization in France following the devastation of the French Revolution. Our founder, Blessed Fr. Basil Moreau, C.S.C., brought together a group of brothers, auxiliary priests and for a period of time, sisters, to form a bold vision for a religious community modeled on the Holy Family. Fr. Moreau’s vision carried the men and women of Holy Cross beyond France to the United States in 1841, where the Congregation founded the University of Notre Dame.
In the ensuing decades, the Congregation evolved into an international religious community of brothers and priests who minister side by side in more than 15 countries throughout the world today.
The brothers and priests of the Congregation of Holy Cross have a long history of collaboration and common charism that educates people in the faith and brings hope to the world. United by our founder, Blessed Fr. Basil Moreau, C.S.C. in 1837, the brothers and priests of the Congregation of Holy Cross originally ministered to the pastoral and educational needs of the French church.
Over the next two decades, brothers and priests responded to the need for evangelization and education beyond France and established ministries in Europe, Algeria, the United States, Canada and even to the difficult mission of Eastern Bengal (Bangladesh). In 1857, the Constitutions of the Congregation were approved by Pope Pius IX, and the two societies formed a closer union with a shared governmental structure and missionary activity that focused on preaching the Word of God and Christian education.
Brother Thomas Dziekan on the Holy Cross Network, the collaboration with the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame, the purpose of a Holy Cross education and more!
Committed to the future, Holy Cross brothers and priests are advancing together as “Educators in the Faith.” The revised Constitutions, published by the General Chapter of 1986, were a conscious attempt to return more closely to the ideal of Blessed Fr. Moreau as a company of men devoted not only to a mission of service, but as a group of clerical and lay religious called to become brothers – to make a common life together and to embark upon ministries in concert with one another.
Holy Cross High School is one of 120 schools/universities within the Holy Cross network.

The Holy Cross Institute at St. Edward’s University exists to further the application of the Catholic and Holy Cross educational mission of participating educational institutions. Its effort involves education, formation and research: education of the public about the values and philosophy of Holy Cross education promoted from the time of Father Basil Moreau, founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, to the present; formation of board members, administrators, faculties and staffs, students and other members of school communities in these values; and research into these values and their application in education and teaching in the present time and into the future.
Mission: The Holy Cross Institute exists to promote and foster the divinely inspired gift of the charism of the Congregation of Holy Cross by educating the minds and cultivating the hearts of Holy Cross educators, administrators and board members for the mission of Jesus Christ through the transformational work of Catholic education.

The Holy Cross Institute at St. Edward’s University exists to further the application of the Catholic and Holy Cross educational mission of participating educational institutions. Its effort involves education, formation and research: education of the public about the values and philosophy of Holy Cross education promoted from the time of Father Basil Moreau, founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, to the present; formation of board members, administrators, faculties and staffs, students and other members of school communities in these values; and research into these values and their application in education and teaching in the present time and into the future.
Mission: The Holy Cross Institute exists to promote and foster the divinely inspired gift of the charism of the Congregation of Holy Cross by educating the minds and cultivating the hearts of Holy Cross educators, administrators and board members for the mission of Jesus Christ through the transformational work of Catholic education.
The spoken words of the Brothers of the Congregation of Holy Cross range from the retrospective to the introspective. In this video library the brothers share lessons, memories and insights over their 50+ year tenure as sponsors of Holy Cross High School.
Br. Thomas Dziekan on his arrival at Holy Cross High School
Br. Joel Giallanza on Things You Might Not KNow About Moreau
Br. Harold hathaway on the Holy Cross high school Faculty
The following is a listing of the men and women who served Holy Cross High School as brothers, priests and sisters of the Congregation of Holy Cross and the Congregation of Notre Dame. We thank them for their commitment and dedication to the Holy Cross family.
Henry Ackerman
Genaro Aguilar
Robert Andreasen
Joan Annello
Richard Arnold
Lawrence Backus
Bradley Beauupre
Kilian Beirne
Jeanne Bonneau
Paul Borella
Robert Brown
Paul Burns
Maryann Calabrese
Ronald Calderon
Robert Caouette
John Capistran Bylanick
Maria Cassano
James Chichetto
Stefan Clarke
Denise Conway
Roger Croteau
Armin Demute
James Derrig
James DeTemple
Jerome Donnelly
John Donoghue
Kathleen Dorney
Joanne Drinane
Joseph Dunne
Thomas Durney
Thomas Dzeikan
William Farrell
Dorothy Flanagan
Mary Anne Foley
Walter Foley
Robert Fontaine
David Franklin
Thomas Gorman
Ellis Greene
Francis Grogan
Gerald Grossman
Sidney Halligan
Patrick Halpin
Thomas Halkovic
Harold Hathaway
Donald Hecox
Joseph Howarth
Patricia Jamele
James Jenkins
James Kane
Eileen Kelly
Matthew Kelly
Jeremiah Kenney
Richard Kiniry
Rudolph Lacas
Francis Leary
Mary Ledden
David Lizotte
Lawrence Lussier
Richard MacDonald
Noreen McEvoy
Bertram Madden
James Madden
Cyrinus Martin
James Martin
John McGovern
John Nicpon
Anne Nolan
Edward O’Connell
Ephrem O’Dwyer
Marcus O’Malley
Hector Pagan
John Paige
Edward Quintal
Daniel Redmond
Eldred Reisenweber
Michael Roper
Pierre Schu
Robert Short
Ralph Simonetti
Edward Sniatecki
August Sosa
John St. Amand
Christopher Taraska
Joseph Umile
Anne Walsh
Joseph Walsh
Patrick Walsh
David Warnke
Edward Zdrowski
John Zick