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“Our desire for all Crusaders to formulate their own moral compass and personal code is something that must be put into practice every day with purposeful acts of integrity, respect and honor. Our Honor Code attaches that hope to all academic work our students produce.”
- Mr. Tommy Pompei, Principal
A person’s word is their bond and derivative from their personal code which should always include an acute sense of honor, integrity, and principle. Education at Holy Cross is as much about developing one’s academic skill set as it is about the evolution of one’s personal moral code and the pillars within the Portrait of the Crusader.
Therefore, prior to the submission of all student products from homework/student preparation to summative assessments or exams, the phrase “On My Honor…” followed by the student’s signature, will be affixed to the end of the product either digitally or by hand. This phrase is truncated from the following complete Honor Code Pledge:
On my honor, as an inspired learner, a faithful citizen, and an honorable soul, I pledge that I am submitting this product as authentically mine and that I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this original work.