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Ice Hockey Comes to Holy Cross High School

December 18th, 2024

Effective December 2024, students can choose from another winter sport option: ice hockey! A collaborative effort has resulted in the creation of a co-op team recognized by the CIAC, composed of male players from Holy Cross High School, Watertown High School and Pomperaug High School.  Co-ops allow students interested in a particular sport not uniquely offered at their school to participate with schools that have established teams.  Acting as the host school, Watertown will serve as the central hub for practices. Home games will be held at the Mays Rink in Watertown. Schedules can be found at https://ciac.fpsports.org/

Student-athletes, Matthew Collins, Jr. ’26, Tommy Cruess ’27, Henry Fontaine ’27, Andrew Freer ’26 and Bradyn Schwantes ’28 will represent Holy Cross in this three-team co-op.

Bringing ice hockey to Holy Cross has been a priority over the last few years. Students who were already skilled hockey players expressed an interest in participating. In order to accommodate them, efforts were made to connect with schools that already had established hockey teams. As a result, the co-op team was formed, enabling these students to showcase their skills and compete alongside their peers.

Commenting on this program, Mike Giampetruzzi ’95, Director of Athletics said, “We are very excited to offer this to our students. I’m hoping this program grows and thrives. If the participation numbers increase, that can help us with other sports teams. There is a correlation between hockey and lacrosse players. This can help boost that program as well.”

In addition to the organized opportunity for male hockey players, club options are being offered for our female ice hockey players at other Connecticut schools. All interested female players should contact Mr. Giampetruzzi ’95 directly at [email protected].

Posted in the category News.