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Donor Profile: Paul J. Whealon

October 28th, 2022

It is difficult to explain the influence that Holy Cross High School and the Brothers of Holy Cross had on my life.  Although I had experienced the Brother’s influence when I was in high school at Notre Dame in West Haven, it wasn’t until I was teaching at Holy Cross High School that I realized that the philosophy of Basil Moreau deeply influenced my vision of education and what my responsibility was to my students.  The deeply embedded spirit of Basel Moreau, so much a part of a Holy Cross education, was such a part of my background that it came out when I taught without even thinking about it.  [Education is the art of helping young people to completeness; for the Christian, this means education is helping a young person to be more like Christ, the model of all Christians. – B. Moreau]

I always felt that, no matter where we encountered our students, in class, in the halls, in outside activities, even after graduation, we were teaching.  I came to realize that I was doing my job without even knowing it.  [We shall always place education side by side with instruction; the mind will not be cultivated at the expense of the heart. While we prepare useful citizens for society, we shall likewise do our utmost to prepare citizens for heaven. – B. Moreau].  And, no matter what changes were made in the curriculum, the students, the school structures, we were still TEACHING [How we educate the mind will change with the times; how we cultivate the heart is and will remain timeless. – B. Moreau].

I have always done my best to support Holy Cross High School.  I firmly believe that the education that I received and participated in is one that should be available to all.  Whatever small commitment I could make to Holy Cross High School, I felt was a small repayment to Basil Moreau and his Congregation.  [The widow’s mite.]  And, now that I am retired and planning for the future, I am willing to make a more specific commitment to the legacy of Holy Cross High School.  I have included Holy Cross High School among the beneficiaries in my will.  It is my wish that, with my small donation and the donations of other alumni, parents and friends, Holy Cross High School will be able to ensure a future education in the Basel Moreau/Holy Cross tradition to young men and women who seek it.
