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Alexander Young III is a distinguished instructor in the English Department at Holy Cross High School teaching upper-level courses in American literature and composition. He serves as an advisory member to the Oronoque Chapter of the National Honor Society, and is the Chess Club Advisor.
Dr. Young holds adjunct appointments as Associate Faculty Lead in the English Department at Post University and as an Instructor in the English Department at Southern New Hampshire University. He is Affiliate Faculty with the English Department at the University of Connecticut through their Early College Experience program.
A.W. Young III (2008). “Speaking 'Somewhere Without Bounds': Approaching Walden as Puritan Jeremiad.” Unbound.1.2:23-32.
A.W. Young III (Spring 2002). “Freezing in Decline: A Frost-Bitten Poet Contemplates the Adequacy of His Wood Pile.” On The Square.17.3:124-27
Alexander W. Young III (2012). Speaking, Silently Speaking: Thomas Shepard's "Confessions" and the Cultural Impact of Puritan Conversion on Early and Later America. Doctoral dissertation, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR. Scholars' Bank Theses and Dissertations Repository. PDF