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The University of Connecticut Early College Experience (ECE) provides academically motivated students the opportunity to take university courses while still in high school.These challenging courses allow students to preview college work, build confidence in their readiness for college, and earn college credit that provides both an academic and a financial head-start on a college degree.
UCONN ECE instructors, who are high school teachers certified by UCONN faculty, create a classroom environment fostering independent learning, creativity and critical thinking – all pivotal for success in college.Holy Cross High School offers UCONN ECE courses in English, Economics, Drawing and Music Appreciation. To support rigorous learning, University of Connecticut library resources are available to all UCONN ECE students.
UCONN ECE students must successfully complete the course with a grade of C or above in order to receive university credit.University credits are highly transferable to other colleges and universities.
For additional information, please visit: www.ece.uconn.edu
Here are the ECE courses offered:
ECE Seminar & Studio in Writing & Multimedia Composition
ECE Environmental Science
ECE Principles of Biology
ECE Music Appreciation
ECE Economics