Msgr. Thomas A. Ginty '76 Blesses Two New Additions to Campus
September 1st, 2023
A new, twelve foot cross stands tall in front of our school as a symbol of faith and inspiration. It is a powerful reminder of the values and beliefs that guide us in our educational journey. With Msgr. Thomas A. Ginty's blessing, the cross becomes infused with a sense of divine presence, ensuring that it will serve as a beacon of hope, love, and strength for all who encounter it. Msgr. Grinty blessed the cross as well as a new cross & anchor that welcomes all at the school's front entrance.
These newest additions to campus were made possible with the generosity of the Class of 1973. Members of the Class of '73 and other special guests were in attendance as Dr. Thomas C. Pellegrino, President, Mr. Thomas Pompei, Principal, and Mrs. Nora J. Mason P'16, '19 & '22, Director of Advancement joined Msgr. Ginty in the blessing.
"It was a very special day at Holy Cross High School," said Dr Pellegrino. "This gift was made possible by the generosity of the Class of '73, the Alix family and Joe Pisani. This was accompanied by the blessing of a memorial plaque at the base of the Cross honoring Mary Jean Zappone Pisani, '85 and Joseph and Christine Alix. A special thank you to everyone who attended and in particular to Joe Pisani and Pisani Steel for creating these two beautiful symbols for our school."
“Today was the culmination…no it was actually the continuation…of the Class of ’73 50th Reunion Celebration and their reconnection with Holy Cross," said Mrs Mason. "Members came back for the Blessing of the Cross and footstone that was dedicated to their deceased ’73 class members, as well as MaryJean Zappone Pisani ’85 and Joseph and Christine Alix (Parents ’73, ’77, ’80). It was beautiful morning to celebrate that Holy Cross remains a part of these alumni all these years later.”
Watch the full ceremony: